We have measured the electric field shifts for Mn2+ in the wurtzite form of CdS. The three coefficients appearing in the linear-electric-effect Hamiltonian HE=EiRijkSjSk are as follows: R111=±40, R113=1.2, R311=7.5, where the units are MHz per 106V/cm applied field. Theoretical calculations aimed at interpreting these results consist of two steps. The crystal field potentials akqCkq induced when the laboratory field is applied to the sample are calculated first; then these induced fields are used in conjunction with the normal crystal field potentials AKQCKQ to find the appropriate linear-electric-effect terms in the Mn2+ spin Hamiltonian. A pointdipole model has been used to calculate the akqCkq up to the fourth degree. The even akqCkq can be used in conjunction with the even AKQCKQ to derive the electric shifts. The odd akqCkq are first combined with odd AKQCKQ to give equivalent even-field potentials akq(E)Ckq, and these are then treated in the same way as the even akqCkq. Three mechanisms have been considered in relating the crystal fields to the electric effects, and the experimental Rijk have been fitted with three parameters representing the relative importance of each mechanism. The resulting fit has been tested by using it to predict the D value. From this it appears that in CdS: Mn2+ the largest contribution arises from the second-degree induced potentials acting in conjunction with the second-degree potentials in the normal crystal field. Calculations also suggest that the even harmonics in the induced field play a more important part than the odd harmonics, and that the mixing of states between the