We compare dielectric relaxation τ(T) data of several low molecular weight glass-forming liquids with the predictions of the Adam–Gibbs theory using experimental data for the configurational entropy Sc(T). Combination of Adam–Gibbs and Vogel–Fulcher equations yields an expression for Sc(T) which can be compared with experimental data. Good agreement is found for a range of temperatures near Tg<T<TB which depends on the fragility of the liquid and on the presence of a β relaxation. For fragile liquids, TB coincides with a qualitative change in the temperature dependence of the relaxation time scale or viscosity, with the temperature Tβ, where Johari–Goldstein-type β processes tend to merge into the α process, and with other crossover temperatures. For nonfragile liquids, TB/Tg increases, and the deviations from the Adam–Gibbs equation weaken or disappear altogether. The significance of TB, and of the Sc(T) temperature dependence implied by the Vogel–Fulcher theory fitting, are discussed in terms of the landscape paradigm.