Neuropsychiatric Dysfunction in Primary Sjögren's Syndrome

Neuropsychiatric complications developed in 40 patients with primary Sjögren's syndrome, none of whom met American Rheumatologic Association criteria for systemic lupus erythematosus. Twenty-five patients had psychiatric abnormalities, the commonest of which were affective disturbances. Of 30 patients tested, 23 had an abnormal pattern in the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory, the commonest pattern being a "conversion V." In general, patients presented with hysteroid dysphoric features. Of 16 patients undergoing cognitive function testing, 7 showed mild memory impairment with attention and concentration deficits. On clinical evaluation, 27 patients had neurologic abnormalities unattributable to other causes (central and peripheral nervous system in 16 and 19 patients respectively). There was a significant correlation between psychiatric disturbances and neurologic dysfunction, suggesting a possible organic basis for psychiatric dysfunction. The diagnosis of primary Sjögren's syndrome should be considered in patients with unexplained neuropsychiatric illness.