Monitor unit settings for intensity modulated beams delivered using a step‐and‐shoot approach

Two linear accelerators have been commissioned for delivering IMRT treatments using a step‐and‐shoot approach. To assess beam startup stability for 6 and 18 MV x‐ray beams, dose delivered per monitor unit (MU), beam flatness, and beam symmetry were measured as a function of the total number of MU delivered at a clinical dose rate of 400 MU per minute. Relative to a 100 MU exposure, the dose delivered per MU by both linear accelerators was found to be within ±2% for exposures larger than 4 MU. Beam flatness and symmetry also met accepted quality assurance standards for a minimum exposure of 4 MU. We have found that the performance of the two machines under study is well suited to the delivery of step‐and‐shoot IMRT. A system of dose calculation has also been commissioned for applying head scatter corrections to fields as small as 1×1 cm2. The accuracy and precision of the relative output calculations in water was validated for small fields and fields offset from the axis of collimator rotation. For both 6 and 18 MV x‐ray beams, the dose per MU calculated in a water phantom agrees with measured data to within 1% on average, with a maximum deviation of 2.5%. The largest output factor discrepancies were seen when the actual radiation field size deviated from the set field size. The measured output in water can vary by as much 16% for 1×1 cm2 fields, when the measured field size deviates from the set field size by 2 mm. For a 1 mm deviation, this discrepancy was reduced to 8%. Steps should be taken to ensure collimator precision is tightly controlled when using such small fields. If this is not possible, very small fields should not contribute to a significant portion of the treatment, or uncertainties in the collimator position may effect the accuracy of the dose delivered.