Conformational effects of nucleotide exchange in ras p21 proteins as studied by fluorescence spectroscopy

The intrinsic fluorescence properties of the oncogene protein p21N-ras, p21H-ras and one of its transforming mutants, p21N-ras (Va1112), have been investigated. A mutant containing a single tryptophan at position 28 in p21H-ras (Trp28) has been specifically engineered to provide a probe of protein conformation on nucleotide binding. The proteins produced essentially similar circular dichroism spectra typical of alpha/beta proteins. A decrease in the intensity of the fluorescence emission spectrum due to tyrosine occurred on GDP/GTP nucleotide exchange in the native and mutant proteins. Selective excitation of the single tryptophan in p21 produced a decrease in fluorescence intensity which was accompanied by a blue shift in the wavelength of maximum emission on nucleotide exchange. A reduction in the residual Mg2+ ion concentration enhanced this effect.