Detection and quantitation of T-2 mycotoxin with a simplified protein synthesis inhibition assay

We describe a simple, rapid, and sensitive bioassay for the detection and quantitation of T-2 mycotoxin by using a protein synthesis assay in cultured cells. Increased sensitivity of the cells to the mycotoxin occurred with time up to ca. 60-min. Time and dose response curves show that an average of 10 to 20 ng of T-2 per ml was sufficient to cause 50% inhibition of protein synthesis in tissue culture cells. A wide range of tissue culture cells with varied type, tissue, and species sources and growth characteristics were tested by this system. All showed approximately the same sensitivity to the mycotoxin. A slight modification of the procedure was used for suspended cultures of mitogen-stimulated lymphocytes, which also showed an equal degree of sensitivity to the mycotoxin. By simply changing the labeled precursor, the inhibition of RNA, DNA, and protein synthesis by T-2 mycotoxin can be compared. Although T-2 mycotoxin had little effect on RNA synthesis, DNA and protein synthesis were equally inhibited. Because of its sensitivity and its capacity to quickly assay a large number of samples, this technique has been a valuable tool in screening samples for the presence of active toxin and has been used to help establish laboratory safety standards for the inactivation of T-2 mycotoxin by chemical agents. It is presently being used in studies of mycotoxin mechanism of action and approaches toward in vivo neutralization of the toxic effects of mycotoxins.