Two-gluon components of theηandηmesons to leading-twist accuracy

We critically reexamine the formalism for treating the leading-twist contributions from the two-gluon Fock components occurring in hard processes that involve η and η mesons and establish a consistent set of conventions for the definition of the gluon distribution amplitude, the anomalous dimensions, as well as the projector of a two-gluon state onto an η or η state. We calculate the η, η-photon transition form factor to order αs and show the cancellation of the collinear and UV singularities explicitly. An estimate of the lowest Gegenbauer coefficients of the gluon and quark distribution amplitudes is obtained from a fit to the η, η-photon transition form factor data. In order to elucidate the role of the two-gluon Fock component further, we analyze electroproduction of η,η mesons and the g*g*η(η) vertex.