Black Grandparents: Curriculum Development

The performance of Black grandparents was examined to determine the most suitable content for an educational program intended to assist them in their role. A sample of 626 non-consanguineous subjects included 204 grandparents, 128 parents, and 294 grandchildren. Each generation group completed a separate version of the Grandparent Strengths and Needs Inventory to identify the favorable qualities of grandparents and aspects of their relationships in which further growth was necessary. A combination of multivariate analysis of variance procedures, univariate analysis of variance tests, and t-tests were used to analyze scores, confirm results, and assist with interpretation of data. All groups described aspects of grandparents success and made known specific realms of learning that grandparents should acquire in order to become more effective. Analysis of the responses revealed significant main effects for generation, gender of grandchild, age of grandchild, and amount of time that grandparent and grandchild spent together. Considerations were identified for improving grandparent influence and guiding the development of grandparent education programs.