A rise in total plasma protein conc, occurs in [male] rats fed 1% thiourea. This rise is due entirely to an increase in plasma globulin, in that plasma albumin conc, does not change. Thus the blood protein changes simulate those observed after thyroidectomy. Thiourea causes a loss in body wt. although only a slight reduction in food intake occurred, but at the same time the anticipated increase in thyroid gland wt. is observed. No significant changes in the wt. of the pituitary, testes, spleen, kidneys or liver is evident. However, a marked decrease in seminal vesicle wt. resulted as well as a tendency for the adrenals and ventral prostate to be smaller. Assay of the pituitary for gonadotrophic hormone revealed a greater hormone content in the glands from thiourea fed rats. A mild anemia and/or leucopenia is observed in some cases.