Characterization of a Novel Resistant‐Starch and Its Effects on Postprandial Plasma‐Glucose and Insulin Responses

Objectives of this study were to understand the physicochemical properties of a novel resistant starch (RS) made by complexing high‐amylose maize starch VII (HA7) with palmitic acid (PA), and its effects on reducing postprandial plasma‐glucose and insulin responses. The HA7 starch was heat‐treated and debranched using isoamylase (ISO) to enhance the starch‐lipid complex formation. The RS content of the HA7 starch debranched with ISO and complexed with PA (HA7+ISO+PA) was 52.7% determined using AOAC Method 991.43 for dietary fiber, which was greater than that of the HA7 control (35.4%). The increase in the RS content of the HA7+ISO+PA sample was attributed to the formation of retrograded debranched‐starch and starch‐lipid complex. The postprandial plasma‐glucose and insulin responses of 20 male human‐subjects after ingesting bread made from 60% (dry basis) HA7+ISO+PA were reduced to 55 and 43%, respectively, when compared with those after ingesting control white bread (as 100%) containing the same amount of total carbohydrates. The results suggested that the HA7+ISO+PA can be used for the interventions of insulin resistance and metabolic syndrome, including diabetes and obesity.