Spin dynamics ofCd1−xMnxTe studied by muon spin relaxation and rotation

The distribution and fluctuation rate of the internal magnetic field were determined in samples of Cd1x MnxTe (0.27≤x≤0.65) by measurements of the relaxation rate and precession frequency of implanted positive muons in longitudinal and transverse applied fields. The results show a critical-like divergence of the μ+ spin relaxation on approaching the spin-glass transition temperature Tg, with a critical exponent that scales with x. Relaxation rates and frequency shifts are consistent with the presence of a large hyperfine component in the μ+ spin interaction due to superexchange. The spin dynamics is dominated by fluctuations at all temperatures. Interesting effects were also observed in the temperature range 60<T<250 K which cannot be described fully by trapping or detrapping processes and which remain a puzzling feature of the results.