Extracts of wheat germ contain a RNA ligase activity that catalyzes the conversion of linear polyribonucleotides into covalently closed circles. As reported previously, this enzyme joins two ends of a RNA substrate via a 2'-phosphomonoester, 3',5'-phosphodiester linkage. In the present work we provide evidence that a 2',3'-cyclic phosphate group at the 3' terminus is required for RNA ligation and that the 5'-hydroxyl end is phosphorylated before the two RNA ends are joined. We report on the presence of 5'-hydroxyl polynucleotide kinase and polynucleotide 2',3'-cyclic phosphate 3'-phosphodiesterase activities in wheat germ extracts. A possible involvement of these enzymes in the ligation process and a potential role of the newly described ligation pathway in RNA processing are discussed.