C3 polymorphism: Genetic linkage relations

Twenty‐one linkage relations of the C3 locus have been analyzed in Norwegian family material by means of the computer program MOSM. No suggestion of linkage was found. Excluding linkage intervals for which our data have reduced the probability of linkage by more than 95 %, it appears that in males, PGM1, Rh and ACP1 are not linked to C3 closer than TH –.40; Fy and HL‐A not closer than. 35; ABO and Hp not closer than. 30; Gm not closer than. 25; MNSs and K not closer than. 20; PGM3 and Inv not closer than. 15; Do, Gc and Tf not closer than. 10; and Pi not closer than. 05. In females, PTC is not closer to C3 than. 20; Le(Se) not closer than. 15; Jk and P not closer than. 10; and Lu not closer than. 02. Low exclusion levels reflect low information except for C3‐Gc. But if the trend found for this relation should reflect a loose linkage, a very large amount of information would be necessary to establish it.