Antigen retrieval for bcl‐2 protein in formalin‐fixed, paraffin‐embedded sections

A commercial monoclonal antibody to bcl-2 protein (bcl-2, 124) Is useful In lmmunohlstochemical detection of this 25kDa oncogene product In frozen sections. In order to weme the dfffkutly In khttfying bcl-2 protein In formalin-flxed, paraffln-embedded sections, its antigenicity was retrieved by a variety of pretreatments. The heatlng pretreat-ment by hydrated autoclaving was the best method for retrleving the antlgeniclty, and deionized water was the most adequate solution for soaking sections. This antigen retrieval sequence was helpful to examine the localization of bcl-2 protein in archival sections of normal lymphoid and non-lymphoid tissues and follicular lymphomas.

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