Isolation and identification of a pepsitensin

1. From ox plasma incubated with pepsin a highly purified pepsitensin has been isolated by fractional precipitation, solvent extraction, column chromatography, countercurrent distribution and paper chromatography. 2. Comparison of the properties of this substance with those of synthetic valyl-5 angiotensin I showed: (a) the same specific pressor activity; (b) the same amino acid composition; (c) identical paper-electrophoretic mobilities at various pH values. 3. N- and C-Terminal studies carried out on the intact polypeptide and on the products of chymotrypsin digestion established the following sequence for the amino acids present in the molecule: Asp-Arg-Val-Tyr-Val-His-Pro-Phe-His-Leu. This structure is identical with that of valyl-5 angiotensin I.

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