Nonlinear magnetotransport and charge-density-wave motion inNbSe3at temperatures from 1.2 to 50 K

The transverse magnetoresistance of NbSe3 at 1.2 K shows a large non-Ohmic reduction as a function of electric field for magnetic fields in the range 50230 kG. The magnetoresistance data in the temperature range 1.243 K has been fitted to a Zener-tunneling model of the form σ=σa(H)+σb(1-ET/E)exp( -E0/E) and gives a value of E0=0.47 V/cm and ET=0.066 V/cm at 1.2 K and 206 kG for a crystal with a residual resistance ratio of 145. At 206 kG E0 follows a temperature dependence of the form E0(T)=E0(0)exp(-kBT/Δ) with Δ/kB=15.2 K. The threshold electric field for charge-density-wave (CDW) motion is reduced at high magnetic fields and low temperatures while the magnetoresistance behavior suggests that the CDW structure below 59 K is strongly coupled to the magnetic field.