The Spectrum of Barium Hydride

A BaH band system in the region 6925A to 6380A has been photographed with a 21-foot grating (dispersion=2.04A per mm), using a metallic barium arc in a hydrogen atmosphere at reduced pressure as a source. The spectrum consists of the (0, 0), (1, 1) and (2, 2) bands only, and the analysis of the (0, 0) band shows the system to be the expected Π2Σ2 case a type with twelve branches in each band. Assignments of the frequencies to these branches are presented, together with the principal combination differences. The Λ-type doubling is large in the Π122 state, but small and of opposite sign in the Π1122 state, giving p0=+0.85 and q0=+0.0067. The spin doubling in the Σ2 state is regular, with γ0=+0.186. Other constants are B0=3.404, D0=9.61×105, r0=2.22×108 cm, B0,12=3.4468, D0,12=1.13×104, B0,+12=3.5156, and D0,+12=1.20×104. The separation of the two Π2 sublevels yields A=462. The smallness of this value (A=832 for lowest P3 levels of Ba) indicates that this state is possibly formed from a combination of the lowest P3 and D3 states of the Ba atom. A large perturbation in one of the Π112d2 levels, and the sign and magnitude of the p0 and q0, indicate another lower-lying excited level.