Movements of Apodemus sylvaticus sylvaticus, Clethrionomys glareolus brittanicus and Microtus agrestis hirtus examined from data obtained during ''mark and release'' live trapping expts. Avs. of trap-revealed ranges for males trapped 5 or more times were for Apodemus 3092 sq. yd., for Clethrionomys 2144 sq. yd. and for Microtus 1162 sq. yd. Females occupied proportionately smaller areas. Taking as an estimate of movement distance between captures from 1 day''s trapping to next, 73% of Apodemus and Clethrionomys moved less than 30 yd. and 92% moved less than 60 yd., 55% of Microtus moved less than 10 yd. and 92% moved less than 30 yd.