Measurements of the electric and magnetic form factors of the proton fromQ2=1.75 to 8.83 (GeV/c)2

The proton elastic electric and magnetic form factors, GEp(Q2) and GMp(Q2), have been separately measured in the range Q2=1.75 to 8.83 (GeV/c)2, more than doubling the Q2 range of previous data. Scaled by the dipole fit, GD(Q2), the results for GMp(Q2)/μp GD(Q2) decrease smoothly from 1.05 to 0.91, while GEp(Q2)/GD(Q2) is consistent with unity. Comparisons are made to QCD sum rule, diquark, constitutent quark, and vector meson dominance models, none of which agree with all of the new data. The ratio Q2 F2/F1 approaches a constant value for Q2>3 (GeV/c)2.