Laryngeal Cysts in Adults: A Clinicopathologic Study of 20 Cases

Clinically significant cysts in the region of .the larynx are uncommon. In this study, 20 cases were recovered for the period 1969–1983. There were eight males and 12 females whose ages ranged from 28–76 years and whose most common symptom combinations were hoarseness (9), local foreign body sensation (5), and pain (4). Laryngoscopic examination revealed cystic lesions 0.5–3.0 cm. in diameter, all localized to the supraglottis with half in the vallecula. Histologically, 17 cysts were closely associated with tonsillar lymphoid tissue. Nine cysts, having squamous lined crypt-like structures and abundant follicular lymphoid tissue, were designated “tonsillar cysts.” Eight cysts had a prominent epithelial component and focal follicular lymphoid aggregates. Three cysts were unassociated with lymphoid tissue. Two of these, located in the ventricles of elderly patients, were oncocytic cysts. Both showed oncocytic changes on the surface mucosa and in adjacent salivary gland tissue. In one case, a biopsy of the contralateral ventricle demonstrated oncocytic metaplasia. Treatment in all cases was by surgical excision. Follow-up on 13 patients ranging from three months to 9 years revealed one recurrence of an oncocytic cyst one year after initial removal. We conclude that follicular lymphoid tissue is present in most laryngeal cysts and may play some pathogenetic role in their formation. Furthermore, oncocytic cysts are different from other laryngeal cysts, having a characteristic location, age group, field effect, and recurrence rate.

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