Combined lattice-location-hyperfine-interaction experiment on Se implanted in Fe and Co

The channeling technique has been used to study the lattice location of Se implanted into Fe and Co (hcp) single crystals. For both systems the impurity is found to be fully substitutional at doses of 5 × 1014 cm2. Nuclear-orientation measurements at mK temperatures have been made on implanted Se75 in Fe and Co polycrystalline hosts. Nuclear magnetic resonance of oriented nuclei (NMR/ON) was observed for Fe Se75 at 141.6 MHz (Hext=0) and a resonance-shift experiment yields |μ(Se75)|=(0.67±0.04)μN and Hhf(FeSe)=690±50 kG. For CoSe no NMR/ON signal was observed, but the temperature-dependent γ anisotropy is fitted to yield Hhf(CoSe)=+420±40 kG or440±40 kG although these values make no allowance for possible quadrupole interactions at the hcp lattice site. In the analysis of the Fe Se75 nuclear-orientation experiment, the δ(E2M1) mixing ratios of the 280- and 265-keV transitions determined. These results are compared with recent intermediate-coupling collective-model calculations.