Simulation of reduced band broadening during single‐stranded DNA pulsed field electrophoresis in polyacrylamide gels

Using a computer simulation algorithm based on the reptation model, we investigated the effects of pulsed field gel electrophoresis on the separation of single‐stranded DNA molecules in denaturing polyacrylamide gels. Pulsed fields that combine two different field intensities were found to affect the orientation of the reptation tube as well as the electrophoretic velocity, the rate of band broadening, the plate height and the molecular length for which the minimum of mobility was found, in agreement with available experimental results. Due to “memory” effects, pulses alternating between the forward and backward directions can reduce the diffusion constant by many orders of magnitude. Pulses of identical polarity but different intensities reduce the diffusion because stretches of less‐oriented DNA segments are conserved during the migration. We suggest that, for DNA sequencing, pulsed fields of fixed polarity should be used to reduce band broadening and not to overcome band inversion or suppress molecular orientation. We conclude that, using a low intensity, constant electric field will lead to smaller band widths than any pulsed field regime, in a similar length of experimental time, but with less complications.