The relationship of morphogenetic potency of tobacco tissue culture and its cytogenetic features

Two strains of tobacco tissue cultures were investigated cytogenetically, their morphogenetic potency was revealed and the plant regenerates were analyzed. Strain I with less pronounced deficiency of nuclei was more capable to differentiation and organogenesis than the heterogenous strain II. The morphological variability of vegetative and reproductive organs of plant regenerates was described. The variations were characterized by high level of aberations during meiosis and unstable aneuploidy. Byly zkoumány cytogenetické znaky dvou kmenů tkáňových kultur tabáku a byla objasněna jejich morfogenetická potence. Kmen I byl způsobilejší diferenciace a organogenese než kmen II. Vzniklé rostliny byly analysovány a byla sledována morfologická variabilita jejich vegetativních a reproduktivních orgánů. Tyto variabilita byla provázena vysokou hladinou aberací během meiose a nestálou aneuploidií.