Feynman-x and transverse-momentum dependence of D± and D0, D¯0 production in 250 GeV π-nucleon interactions

We measure the differential cross section with respect to Feynman-x (xF) and transverse momentum (PT) for charm meson production using targets of Be, Al, Cu, and W. In the range 0.1<xF<0.7, dσ/dxF is well fit by the form (1-xF )n with n=3.9±0.3. The difference between n values for D and D+ is 1.1±0.7. However, we find an asymmetry of 0.18±0.06 favoring the production of D compared to D+. In the lower PT range, <2 GeV, dσ/dPT2 is well fit by the form exp(-b×PT2) with b=1.03±0.06 GeV2, while in the higher PT range, 0.8 to 3.6 GeV, it is well fit by the form exp(-b’×PT) with b’=2.76±0.08 GeV1. The shape of the differential cross section has no significant dependence on atomic mass of the target material.