Higher-order Einstein relations for nonlinear charge transport

Nonlinear terms in relations for current densities are treated macroscopically, semimicroscopically and microscopically. In the macroscopic treatment, terms in phi 2, E2, (grad n)2,(del)2n, and E.grad n are included, where phi is the electrostatic potential, n is the carrier concentration and E is the electric field. The power series expansion of the current density is valid for equilibrium and yields conductivity-diffusion type Einstein relations. In the semimicroscopic approach, a perturbation theory for the density matrix is used, and Einstein relations are then derived by equating the average of the current density operator to zero. In the microscopic approach a Kubo formalism is developed, based on a local nonequilibrium distribution function due to Mori (1958). This leads to Einstein relations via correlation functions and Liouville's equation. A set of such relations which emerge consistently from such a treatment is given.