Spin-flip acceptor scattering in ZnTe

Two transitions have been observed in ZnTe: As and in ZnTe: P. These are interpreted as the 3212 and 32+12 transitions of holes bound to the shallow arsenic and phosphorous acceptors. The deduced bound-hole gyromagnetic ratio is similar in each case: g12=0.61±0.04; g32=0.63±0.04 for ZnTe: P and g12=0.37±0.04 and g32=0.39±0.04 for ZnTe: As. These ZnTe: P values are in excellent agreement with the shallow acceptor g value gh=0.59±0.05 obtained by Dean et al. from luminescence Zeeman studies, but both As and P values are significantly smaller than the values for free holes obtained from theory (0.92 ± 0.15, Hollis) and experiment (0.9-1.1, Hollis and Scott, spin-flip scattering; 0.89 ± 0.10, Venghaus et al., magnetoreflectivity). The difference between free- and bound-hole g values is interpreted in terms of Hollis's valence-band theory for ZnTe, which shows that gh decreases with increasing wave vector near the Brillouin-zone center.