Effects of fixation and processing on the immunohistochemical visualization of type-I, -III and -IV collagen in paraffin-embedded liver tissue

We compared the effects of different fixatives and enzymatic-digestion procedures on the immunohistochemical visualization of type-I,-III and-IV collagen in paraffin-embedded normal human liver sections. None of the fixatives tested allowed the staining of these antigens without prior enzymatic digestion. The best results i.e. strong staining intensity and well-defined localization, were obtained when liver tissue was fixed in Bouin's fluid or in other solutions containing picric acid. Several other fixatives, including Carnoy's fluid, Lillie's AAF, 10% neutral formalin and 96% ethanol, gave unsatisfactory results. Pepsin was ineffective for unmasking type-I and-III collagen antigens, and was only partially effective for visualizing the type-IV collagen antigen. The best results were obtained when material fixed in Bouin's fluid was embedded in paraftin and digested with trypsin. Using this procedure, the results were comparable to those obtained in unfixed frozen sections with respect to the staining intensity, specificity and non-specific staining.