The Natural Radioactivity ofIn115

An investigation of the possible natural radioactivities of the Cd113-In113 and In115-Sn115 pairs of adjacent isobars gave evidence for a natural beta-radioactivity of indium. Four samples of indium differing in geographical origin were subjected to radiochemical purification and then examined in a screen wall counter arranged with anticoincidence counters and steel shielding. Absorption measurements on these samples gave reproducible results indicative of an energetic natural beta-radiation. The energy was measured by comparing the absorption characteristics of the indium radiation with those of Tl204 and Co60, whose beta-energies have been measured spectroscopically. Measurement of isotopically enriched samples of indium gave conclusive evidence that the origin of the beta-radiation is the In115 isotope. Limits were placed on possible accompanying gamma-radiation. The results indicate that In115 emits a natural beta-radiation of 0.63±0.03-Mev energy with a half-life of 6±2×1014 years.