Some pharmacological properties of althesin (CT1341) in man

Summary Althesin in dose ranges of 40, 60 and 80 μl/Kg was administered to.six healthy unpremedicated volunteers according to a balanced incomplete block design. Both subjective and objective changes resulting from the administration of the agent were studied and analyzed. In the dose ranges used, Althesin was found to have no deleterious effects on heart rate, respiratory rate or blood pressure and apnoea only occurred in one patient who had an end-expiratory CO2 level lower than normal, due to preanaesthetic hyperventilation. The onset of sleep is prolonged with Althesin at the injection rate of 1 ml/10 secs. The onset of anaesthesia is not influenced by the total dose, but the sleep time is directly proportional to the dose injected. Auditory evoked responses tended to lie on a curve which might indicate that with increasing dose the time to reappearance of these responses is not correspondingly prolonged. However, this last observation must be confirmed by studies on a larger scale.

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