Acute Ureteric Dilatation for Ureteroscopy An Experimental Study

The effects of three methods of acute ureteric dilatation (by graded Teflon dilators, low and high pressure balloon dilators) were evaluated radiologically, renographically and histologically in minipigs. The minipig ureter was dilated from its normal calibre of 4 F to 10 F. All three methods caused upper urinary tract dilatation and an obstructive nephropathy which had not resolved 96 h after dilatation. Histology at 24 h showed destruction of the transitional epithelium, with inflammation throughout the ureteric wall. Four weeks after dilatation the ureter was still dilated and urothelial nests were seen in the lamina propria and in the muscle coats. There was no evidence of ischaemic necrosis or ureteric stricture formation. The implications of these findings for clinical practice are discussed.