Pseudoscalar decay constantsfFandfDfrom exclusiveBdecays

We show that ‖Vcs 2 fF 2 [or ‖Vcd 2 fD 2] can be obtained with good accuracy from the ratio between Γ(BF D0) [or Γ(BD D0)] and ΓΔ(Bl ν¯D0), where l=e or μ and ΓΔ means the decay rate with appropriate kinematical cuts on &+Pν¯ )2. We also note that Γ(BF DO)/Γ(BD DO) determines ‖Vcs 2 fF2/‖Vcd 2 fD2 with only a few percent uncertainty. Thus a precise measurement of the above decay rates would provide us with a reliable determination of the pseudoscalar decay constants fF and fD.