The pairing of polytene chromosomes was investigated in the hybrids between three closely related species of Drosophila belonging to the virilis species group. It was found that within the same hybrid different chromosome bands lost the ability to pair by differing degrees. Furthermore, the same chromosome sections paired with different frequencies depending on the hybrid involved. This study revealed that poor polytene chromosome pairing in the hybrids is not due to specific genetic interaction in the hybrids, but depends solely on the properties of the homologous loci themselves. It was also of interest to find whether the pattern of polytene chromosome somatic pairing resembled in some way the picture of chromosome synapsis during meiosis. To obtain evidence for this, crossing-over in the hybrid 5th chromosome was analyzed both genetically and cytologically (from salivary gland chromosome observations). It was found that the sections of the fifth chromosome which were characterized by a high frequency of conjugation in the salivary glands of hybrids also exhibited a high frequency of crossing-over in hybrid females. It may be concluded that sections of the polytene chromosome characterized by a low frequency of conjugation behave in the same manner in meiosis, and thus rarely take part in genetic recombination.