Enteral Formula Composition Does Not Affect Response to Lethal Infectious Challenge in Mice

The effects of enteral formulations on the response of mice to infectious challenge with Listeria monocytogenes, influenza A or Candida albicans were studied to test the efficacy of specialized ingredients. CF-1 outbred female mice (12–15 g) were fed nonpurified diet (Purina No. 5002) or commercially available liquid formulas: Osmolite HN®, Perative® or Impact®. There were no differences between the groups fed the liquid formulas with regards to mean survival time or percentage of survivors in any of these models of infection. Examination of spleens from the groups challenged with L. monocytogenes, lungs from mice infected with Influenza A and kidneys from the groups challenged with C. albicans revealed no differences in cure rate of survivors. Pre-feeding periods of up to 8 d before infection produced similar results for mice fed enteral formulations compared to nonpurified diet. Contrary to previous reports, the use of Impact® did not improve resistance to disease in mice challenged with lethal doses of L. monocytogenes, as compared with mice fed Osmolite HN. Additionally, mice fed Impact®, Perative®, or nonpurifled diet responded similarly to challenge with L. monocytogenes, C. albiçans or influenza A. The results indicate that these acute lethal animal models of infectious challenge may be of limited use to distinguish effects of modified nutrient composition of enteral formulas.