Renal Insufficiency after Oral Administration of a Double Dose of a Cholecystographic Medium

IN the last several years iopanoic acid (3-[3-amino-2,4,6-tri-iodophenyl]-2-ethyl propanoic acid) has been widely used orally in cholecystography, providing excellent x-ray contrast and minimal toxicity. The usual dose is 6 tablets (3.0 gm.) taken ten to twelve hours before the scheduled cholecystogram. Side reactions, generally infrequent, are mild, and consist largely of nausea, vomiting, diarrhea and dysuria.1 , 2 Double doses are usually administered when there is poor or no visualization after the usual dose, and to delineate more clearly the biliary-duct system.The purpose of this paper is to report 2 cases of renal insufficiency, each of which followed the administration of . . .