Coagulation Studies on Human Thoracic Duct Lymph

Coagulation studies on plasma and thoracic duct lymph from two patients showed that prothrombi;, factor V, antiheIfiophilic globulin, hemophilia B factor, fibrinogen and plasminogen and preactivators were present in lymph in concentration of about 20–60 per cent of plasma levels. The lymph samples contained no or only small quantities of the various inhibitors of the fibrinolytic system. Paper electrophoresis of lymph showed that the α2-fraction of lymph was considerably smaller than that of the plasma, while other protein fractions of the lymph were of about the same magnitude as that of the plasma. Phospholipid studies of human lymph by means of neutron activation paper chromatographic analysis showed phospholipid components corresponding to those of platelets, but a higher relative percentage of phosphoinositide.

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