Summary The influence of arterial blood pressure (ABP) on the intracranial pulse pressure relationship (PPR) was studied in 17 patients in 29 recordings, with a total period of registration of 71.5 hours. The relationship between ICP and ABP was analysed by sampling the data every 15 seconds during spontaneous fluctuations of both these variables, and the analysis was performed on the basis of a mathematical model which includes pulsatory components. MABP and ABP amplitude had an opposite effect on the slope of PPR. Flattening of the PPR slope was caused by a MABP increase or an ABP amplitude decrease. The slope became steeper with decreasing MABP or increasing ABP amplitude. In accordance with the theoretical assumptions the quotient MABP/ABP-AMP was found to be suitable to express these opposite effects on PPR. Qualitatively, the same pattern of reaction was found in all patients. Rapid changes in PPR occurring during monitoring can be explained by a change in MABP/ABP-AMP relationship, regardless whether ABP changes influence intracranial elastance or not. The breakpoint of the PPR was recorded only on two occasions and could be explained in one by the influence of ABP. Monitoring of PPR as a measure of intracranial elastance and correlation of PPR with the patient's condition it not permitted unless at least the influence of ABP is analysed in each individual case.