The changes in birefringence in the rigor to relax transition of single Triton-extracted rabbit psoas muscle fibers have been investigated. The total birefringence of rigor muscle fibers was dependent on sarcomere length and ranged from (1.46 ± 0.08) × 10−3 to (1.60 ± 0.06) ± 10−3 at sarcomere lengths from 2.70 μm to 3.40 μm. An increase in total birefringence was measured dependent on sarcomere length when 55 single fibers were relaxed from the rigor state with Mg-ATP. Pyrophosphate relaxation produced a smaller increase in retardation when compared to Mg-ATP. The expected change in intrinsic birefringence during the rigor to relax transition was calculated assuming a hinge function of the subfragment 2 moiety of myosin. The changes in birefringence during isometric contraction and relaxation have been discussed in relation to possible structural changes.