Evaluation of Water Quality Factors in Storm Runoff from Paved Areas

Continuous water quality measurements of storm runoff into a single road inlet have been carried out at two experimental catchments, in Belgrade, Yugoslavia, and Lund, Sweden. Both sites were equipped with similar instrumentation for measurements of overland flow, turbidity, pH, conductivity, and temperature. The data were recorded at 10-s time intervals during rainfall events. To measure suspended solids concentration, turbidity meters were calibrated in conditions very similar to the real world. A detailed description of the field-measuring facilities used in the Belgrade catchment and the results of the measurements from both sites are presented. After detailed examination of possible errors in measurement, only the reliable data were used for statistical analysis. Event mean, extreme, and aggregated values were analyzed. The results indicate that the antecedent dry weather period length has only a minor effect upon road sediments wash-off, but it has an influence upon conductivity. The “first-flush ef...