Oxygen content control for as-deposited YBa2Cu3Ox thin films by oxygen pressure during rapid cooling following laser deposition

As‐deposited epitaxial YBa2Cu3Ox thin films have been prepared by ArF excimer laser deposition followed by a rapid cooling with controlled oxygen pressure. The best film after the rapid cooling has a Tc with a zero resistance of 88 K and a Jc (77 K) of 5.5×105 A/cm2. It has been observed that the c‐lattice parameter decreases, that is, the oxygen content x increases from ∼6 to 7, with increasing oxygen pressure during the rapid cooling. The relation between x and oxygen pressure is almost consistent with that for a powder sample being in a thermal equilibrium. We conclude that the oxygen content in the as‐deposited films is determined by the thermal equilibrium oxygen content during the cooling process.