Immunology of the Mouse Mammary Tumor Virus. Correlation of the Immunodiffusion Precipitate Line With Type-B Virus Particles2

A precipitate line characteristic of the interaction between a standard antigen preparation containing mammary tumor virus (MTV) and antiserum from rabbits immunized with tissues containing MTV has been identified in immunodiffusion plates. Evidence is presented that the antigenicity related to MTV, which is measured by the immunodiffusion technique, is carried by the type-B virus particle. The evidence is based on 1) the successful use as immunizing and as test antigen of a tissue preparation differentially centrifuged to concentrate particles in the size range of the virus particles, 2) the formation of the characteristic precipitate line by antisera from rabbits immunized with that band from density-gradient preparations shown to be rich in both biologically active MTV and the virus particles, and 3) the demonstration, in electron micrographs of the agar area containing the precipitate line, of characteristic clumps of virus particles not found in other areas of the agar.