Nuclear Structure ofF18

The nuclear structure of F18 was studied with the reactions O17(He3, d)F18, O16(He3, p)F18, and Ne20(d, α)F18 induced with 15-MeV He3 and 11-MeV deuteron beams. Reaction products were magnetically analyzed and recorded on nuclear emulsions. Angular distributions for the first two reactions were analyzed with distorted-wave Born-approximation predictions, and spectroscopic formation was extracted from the data. The J=2 level at 3.06 MeV was assigned positive parity and T=1. The J=2 level at 3.84 MeV was assigned positive parity, and the 4.12-MeV level was assigned Jπ=3+. The three levels at 4.65, 4.74, and 4.96 MeV were identified as having T=1. The 4.65-MeV level was assigned Jπ=4+, and we have a strong preference for Jπ=0+ and 2+ assignments for the 4.74- and 4.96-MeV levels, respectively. Our results are in good agreement with the theoretical predictions of Kuo and Brown.