In our earlier paper, it was demonstrated that the FecA receptor protein from Escherichia coli UT5600/pBB2 (leu , proC , trpE , entA , rpsl , Δ(ompT-fepA)/Ampr, fepA) binds with ferric enterobactin. In order to explore this further the outer membrane receptor protein, FecA, has been isolated from UT5600 (fepA ) and purified to homogeneity by DE-52-cellulose anion exchange chromatography followed by MonoPFPLC chromatofocusing. Partially purified FecA and homogeneous FecA show binding activity to [55Fe]ferric enterobactin and the binding is specific. Binding activity of FecA can be enhanced by ferric citrate. Lipopolysaccharide-free FecA as ascertained by silver staining and the endotoxin test still retains the same activity. In vivo uptake studies using different strains of E. coli suggest that FecA in E. coli plays an important role in ferrienterobactin transport.