Infrared-Emission Spectrum of HBr Excited in an Electric Discharge. Determination of Molecular Constants

The infrared-emission spectra of H79Br and H81Br have been observed by exciting HBr in an electric discharge. Lines in the 1–0, 2–1, and 3–2 bands have been measured to an accuracy of the order of 0.01 cm−1. Pure rotational transitions of H79Br and H81Br which were not resolved have also been observed and measured with an accuracy of the order of 0.2 cm−1. Values are reported for ωe, ωexe, ωeye (only limits for this constant), Be, De, αe, βe, γe, δe, and approximate values of H0 and H1 are also obtained. The results are found to be in agreement with Dunham's theory. Values of the potential constants a1, a2, and a3 are calculated. The Be values for H79Br and H81Br agree with calculations based on microwave measurements of D79Br and D81Br.

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