Stjärne L. Tyramine effects on catechol amine release from spleen and adrenals in the cat.Recent studies on the sympathomimetic effect of tyramine suggest that this substance may act by liberating noradrenaline. In the present experiments direct bioassay of the venous effluents from the spleen and the adrenals of the cat demonstrated that the noradrenaline level in splenic vein blood was elevated by tyramine, whereas in the adrenal venous blood both the adrenaline and noradrenaline levels were either unchanged or depressed. The discrepancy between the effects of tyramine on these two systems is discussed. It is concluded that in the spleen tyramine may act either by releasing noradrenaline from the intra‐axonal storage granules, or by making extragranular noradrenaline, bound to some structure probably in close relation to the axone, available to the receptors.