Isoelectric focusing studies in Brazilian Indians —uncovering variation of ORM, AHSG and IF—

Allele frequencies for the orosomucoid 1 (ORM1), orosomucoid 2 (ORM2), alpha-2-HS-glycoprotein (AHSG) and complement component I (IF) loci were studied in 393 individuals of three Brazilian Indian tribes. In the ORM1 locus only two alleles were observed among the Urubu-Kaapor, while five were found among the Pacaás Novos. The frequency of ORM1*1 was similar in these two tribes (0.734 and 0.715, respectively) but departed more markedly among the Parakanã (0.870). Variation for ORM2 locus was found among the Pacaás Novos only, with ORM2*3 being observed in just three individuals. A new variant (AHSG* PN) was found in the AHSG system. Frequency for AHSG*1 was unexpectedly low in the three tribes, especially, among the Pacaás Novos, where the prevalence (0.145) is the lowest considering other data reported thus far. For IF locus, variability was also restricted to only one trible (Urubu-Kaapor) and attributed to a new polymorphic allele, IF* A3.