Use of the stabilized benzidine reagent of Jones and Pridham (1954) on suitable filtrates of fowl blood enables the D-glucose content to be determined colorimetrically, as checked by D-glucose oxidase. The method is simple and the color produced is stable for at least 24 hours. The average blood-glucose levels of groups of fed hens falls from approximately 220 mg/100 ml at 4-6 months to approximately 190 mg/100 ml at 4-6 years. The average blood glucose of cocks is lower than that of hens, probably owing to greater erythrocyte volumes in the former. It falls from approximately 200 mg/100 ml at 4-6 months to approximately 160 mg/100 ml at 1-2 years, and is considerably lowered by fasting. Blood "filtrates" prepared according to both Somogyi (1954) and Fujita and Iwataki (1931) gave high results with Somogyi''s (1952) reagent. No sugars other than D-glucose could be detected in fowl blood. Previous work in this field is summarized and briefly criticized.