An organism is described that constituted 20% or more of the bacterial population in the colons of pigs experimentally infected with Treponema hyodysenteriae. This organism was not found in clinically normal pigs. Because it had properties different from those of any previously described taxon, it is proposed as a new species, A. ethanolgignens. The isolates of A. ethanolgignens were obligately anaerobic, gram-negative, nonsporeforming, motile, slightly curved rods with lateral flagella that emanated from the concave sides of the genus cells and formed fascicles. A. ethanolgignens differs from other species in the Acetivibrio principally in its inability to degrade cellulose or ferment cellobiose, its production of ethanol as a major fermentation product, and its possession of multiple flagella. The guanine-plus-cytosine content of its DNA is 40 mol%. The type strain is 77-6, a culture of which has been deposited in the American Type Culture Collection under the number ATCC 33324. The description of the genus Acetivibrio was emended to include bacteria with multiple flagella.