Recurrent thyroid carcinoma: characteristics on MR images.

Magnetic resonance (MR) imaging was used in 32 patients, including eight with benign disease, after partial or total thyroidectomy to determine sensitivity and specificity of MR imaging in the detection of tumor recurrence, to compare signal intensities of scar versus recurrent tumor qualitatively and quantitatively, and to define the extent of recurrent tumor. Findings from surgery (n = 23), needle biopsy (n = 1), or clinical follow-up (n = 8) were used for verification. Of 24 patients with primary thyroid carcinoma, 15 had recurrence and nine had a normal postsurgical thyroid bed. Diagnosis from MR images was correct in 20 cases, but false positive in three and false negative in one. Local recurrence was characterized by low to medium intensity on short repetition time (TR)/short echo time (TE) images and medium to high intensity on long TR/long TE images. Scar in the normal postsurgical thyroid bed showed low intensity on both short and long TR/TE images. Local recurrence of thyroid carcinoma and lymph node metastasis produced positive contrast compared with muscle on short TR/short TE (31 + 19%) and long TR/long TE (85 + 30%) images; fibrosis produced negative contrast, particularly on long TR/long TE (-56, -80%) images. These results indicate the capability of MR imaging in the evaluation of recurrence of thyroid tumors and in the differentiation of abnormal tissue due to tumor recurrence from postoperative fibrosis by means of signal contrast relative to a reference tissue.