Juxtaglomerular Cell Changes in Dogs with Antirenin Titers

Renin concentration and juxtaglomerular cell changes, as demonstrated by the Bowie and periodic acid stains, were studied in 11 dogs with partial renal artery constrictions of 1 to 70 months' duration. Three received injections of saline, had renal renin contents averaging 2 Goldblatt Dog Units per Gm. kidney tissue, and had juxtaglomerular cell ratings averaging 1.5, as evaluated on a plus 1 to plus 5 basis. Eight dogs injected with hog renin developed antirenin titers ranging from 1 to 83 units per cc. plasma, had an increase in renal renin content ranging from 3 to 22 Dog Units, and had a juxtaglomerular cell rating ranging from 1.7 to 4.0. The juxtaglomerular cells in the highrenin specimens were markedly hypertrophied and densely packed with cytoplasmic granules. Also, juxtaglomerular cells with granules were found associated with both the afferent and efferent vessels at the vascular pole of the glomerulus. This study supports the concept that the juxtaglomerular cell is the site of renin formation.