Calorimetry and Thermogravimetry of Bound Water in Dried Milk and Whey Powders

Hermal data show that water is sorbed by milk and whey powders through pri- marily weak binding forces at low to intermediate relative humidities. Heat re- quired to release and vaporize such bound water, as determined by differential scan- ning calorimetry is 10.1 +-- 0.4 kcal per mole of water desorbed from whole or skimmilk powders. When milk or whey powders sorb sufficient water, at ~-~ 50% relative humidity, to induce lactose crystal- lization or changes in protein conformation, the differential scanning calorimetry pat- tern becomes more complex, desorption is completed at a higher temperature and the enthalpy of desorption increases by 1.44 to 2.44 kcal per mole.